Saatchi NYC, kings of fake ads or just proactive?

After the chatter about the Cannes winning JCPenney's ad, a little birdie told Mediabistro's AgencySpy:

"Saatchi most certainly knew about the fake JC Penney ad. Everything Saatchi did under Granger was fake. This one example is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a great story just waiting to be blown wide open. Crest was fake. Buckley's Cough Syrup was fake. Stuffit Deluxe was fake. All made for award shows just to win some medal."

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purplesimon's picture

This just popped up on AdWeek/AdFreak.

Gets more and more interesting as the week goes on!

Dabitch's picture

Yep, to add to gossip mill, I just got this email (with the usual 'don't say it was me who said it'): "I spoke to a CW who was intern at Saatchi in London when Tony Granger was CD there. CW told me that he was totally negligent of all the regular clients and jobs only haunting the creative department at night to look at spec work for existing or non existing clients hanging on the walls in the cubicles and bullying the account team to "sell" it. All he could think about was awards."

writah's picture

i remember seeing those buckley's commercials on comedy central. not sure about the others.