Rockstar / Beaterator for SonyPSP - Psycho Les (2010)

"Nick continues to impress with his ability to take a creative concept and turn it into a final product," stated Manic Managing Director Bob Cagliero. "He can single handedly take on the workload that usually gets shuffled around between three or four different studios. Nick's work ethic and versatility are trademarks of our very strong staff, which is exactly why agencies keep coming back to Manic."

See also Spree Wilson.

Client: Rockstar Games
Product: Beaterator for SonyPSP
Air Date: January 2010

Agency: Wax Poetics
Creative Director: Andre Torres
Executive Producer: Dennis Coxen

Production/Post: Manic
Director: Nick Sasso
DP(s): Tim Naylor, Damien Barba
Editor/VFX Artist: Nick Sasso
Creative Director/Design: Fran Roberts
Designer: Ben Hill
Managing Director: Bob Cagliero
Production Manager/Line Producer: Emily Gleicher

Shoot Location: Brooklyn, NY/Jersey City, NJ

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This music is dope.