Robert Harris Coffee Roasters- The Robert Harris Inspiration Collection - posters, New Zealand

DraftFCB Auckland decided to go all artsy for Robert Harris Coffee Roasters, since "all breaks should be inspirational". So they commisioned 10 artists to create 30 original works from coffee napkins and hung the results in the Adshel posters so waiting for the bus was like hanging out in an outdoor gallery. This is a shot of one such bus stop - close-ups of three pieces are inside.

Agency: Draft FCB
James Mok : Creative Director
Kelly Lovelock : Art Director
Mike Wilson : Copywriter

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purplesimon's picture

I'm a sucker for shit like this. Me likey a lot. :)

Dabitch's picture

Me too. And I really like What Jonathan Baxter did, so simple - just napkins - and stunning.