In this ad Smoke & Mirrors’ lead Brad Scott creates a world beyond windows for global network, Ricoh. A Japanese employee has the daunting task of completing an important report in one day. We see the document traversing his company’s worldwide hubs via the web, as he enjoys a night of sushi and karaoke. As we travel the globe, the sun through the office windows slowly sets from country to country, remaining a beacon for those working on the report.
In every scene with windows, what lies beyond has been added and art directed in post. It was shot specifically with this in mind and reflections were captured in each scene in order to realize the illusion believably.
Client: Ricoh
Spot Title: Sun
Air Date: August 2007
Agency: Lowe/NY
CD: Fernanda Romano
Art Director: Raj Kamble
Copywriter: Stephen Lundberg
Head of Integrated Production: Dominic Ferro
Producer: Josh Litwhiler
Prod Company: Believe Media
Director: Albert Kodagolian
EP: Gerard Cantor
Post/Effects: Smoke & Mirrors/NY
Lead VFX Artist: Brad Scott
VFX Support Artist(s): Jason Cunningham, Sam Caine
VFX Producer: Paul O’Beirne
Head of Production: Cary Flaum