RESFEST 2005: Keep it Curious

RESFEST - an annual global film festival and multi-media event - launches a global multi-media ad campaign encouraging creative people, to continue to be curious with "interactive" communication created by agency 86 the onions.

RESFEST "Keep it Curious" campaign invites creatives to participate, interact and be curious, and rewards them for doing so. Every piece of communication, from print and online solutions to the event itself and how sponsors are integrated, is about keeping people curious and inviting them to interact with the campaign.

"It's all about making creative people - who are naturally curious - more curious and allowing them to interact with the communication, as opposed to just showing someone being curious or a metaphor for curiosity," says Chad Rea founder/creative director at 86 the onions.

The agency has created a template to house the details of the festival, and to create a unified and consistent look that makes each RESFEST ad recognizable as such. Where each design differs is in what the agency calls the "interactive art space." This is where viewers are invited to indulge their curiosity with a variety of eye games and tricks-including dot to dot, optical illusions, puzzles, 3-D images, and more.

When people take the extra step into looking closer at the designs, they're rewarded with finding festival highlights - such as the "Beck Retrospective", or the spotlight on award-winning LA-based Scandinavian collective Traktor.

RESFEST Keep it Curious
RESFEST 2005 - an annual global film festival and multi-media event - launches a global multi-media ad campaign encouraging creative people, to continue to be curious with "interactive" communication created by agency 86 the onions.

The campaign emerges in two distinct phases. Phase one centers on global magazine outreach, with ads appearing in Anthem, Paper, Tokion, XLR8R, Time Out Chicago, Time Out New York, iDN, Dazed and Confused, Grafik, and Boards.

RESFEST "Keep it Curious" campaign invites creatives to participate, interact and be curious, and rewards them for doing so. Every piece of communication, from print and online solutions to the event itself and how sponsors are integrated, is about keeping people curious and inviting them to interact with the campaign.

"It's all about making creative people - who are naturally curious - more curious and allowing them to interact with the communication, as opposed to just showing someone being curious or a metaphor for curiosity," says Chad Rea founder/creative director at 86 the onions.

Phase two of the campaign focuses on a local level with a multi-media campaign that will run in 35 cities around the world, utilizing weeklies, the websites (, and, web banners, street posters, and DVD distribution via teams.

The agency has created a template to house the details of the festival, and to create a unified and consistent look that makes each RESFEST ad recognizable as such. Where each design differs is in what the agency calls the "interactive art space." This is where viewers are invited to indulge their curiosity with a variety of eye games and tricks-including dot to dot, optical illusions, puzzles, 3-D images, and more.

When people take the extra step into looking closer at the designs, they're rewarded with finding festival highlights - such as the "Beck Retrospective", or the spotlight on award-winning LA-based Scandinavian collective Traktor.

If viewers opt to play along, a festival highlight is revealed. If not, they are still drawn in by the design and walk away knowing the most important information, the festival details.

Additional surprises are in store leading up to the event itself that will continue the Keep it Curious theme. You should be curious, now...

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