Reebok - Freak Show - Be More Human (2015) :90 (USA)

Through rain, mud, crisp cold mornings, crossfit people run, push, climb and work hard at pushing themselves just that little bit further. Reebok celebrates the crazy ones, the people who get up early, stay longer, who take training breaks at work, because these people are becoming better humans. When you can train harder, you can play harder, you're a more well rounded person, you're fit, healthy and have energy. You can do anything. Forget the glitzy professional sports stars, this is a spotlight on everyone out there who pushes their own personal limits. This is real. This is you.

The palette of this commercial is so real, with proper mud tones and grey skies, I love the style already. It feels tangible, and far away from recent fantasy-lit ads from other sports brands. This feels like a new start for Reebok, one that's speaking directly to the firefighters, moms, chefs and everyone else in the real world who push themselves to work out. It's celebrating those who compete with themselves. So while Nike is "me" and Adidas is "we", Reebok just stole "the human race".

Check the digital too break your selfie: how human do you score?

Client: Reebok
Ad agency: Venables Bell & Partners
Music: 'Woodkid - Run Boy Run'
ECD : Will McGinness

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