Reddit's 5-second Superbowl ad (regional)

Reddit appeared with a 5-second message that was literally a blink-and-you'll-miss it ad. 

"If you are reading this, it means our bet paid off" began the ad, making me momentarily believe it was the actual subreddit, Wallstreetbets, that had bought the space. 

It wasn't, but they do reference WSB in the ad: “One thing that we learned from our communities last week is that underdogs can accomplish just about anything when they come around a common idea.” 


“Powerful things happen when people rally around something they really care about. And there's a place for that. It's called Reddit.” 

Yeah, sure, there's a place for that unless you're a woman wanting to discuss women's medical issues like PCOS or feminism. 

Powerful communities, that you'll allow, Reddit. 

This regional ad ran on the west coast, California, and Washington state, in New York state, and in Chicago Illinois. The ad appeared at first to be a "glitch" or a hack of some sort, as it interrupted a scene of running horses. 

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This was the best ad of the Super Bowl, hands down. I don't care if it was regional. THE BEST.

WSB's picture

They're riding our coattails.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I thought I dreamt this! Saw it in Cicago!

Mr Taco's picture

Meh, I find this a bit awkward. The company is valued at 3 billion dollars, and it's owned by the same conglomerate that owns Conde Nast and the likes of Vogue, GQ, and the New Yorker. The idea that Reddit is some struggling poor company punking the Super Bowl is ridiculous. Who falls for this shit?

Pandering Pete's picture

Power to the Players 💎🤲🏻🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

EffDat's picture

"Come to Reddit for all your astroturf needs!" Powermods run Reddit place in cooperation with admins, and it's shady as hell. It's not at all a community, they'll ban you for wrongthink or for getting too popular. The site is not an organic environment. The amount of big money/corporate influence in this site is fairly rampant, and pretending iit's not won't change it. This is cringe.

DFV's picture

Should have been a meme instead of text no one can read in 5 seconds live

n.a.t.a.l.i.e1993's picture

I agree with you

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
