Radiotjänst Tackfilm has already clocked 5 million unique views

DraftFCB know that Ego still drives virals. "People have to feel that they are included in a campaign if they are to share it" said Andreas Englund - and putting people's photographs in a film or on a dancing elf is a tried and true viral tactic.
Directed by Max Vitali at Callboy, the film plays almost as an anti-viral, with traditional film suspense building, old school actors, and a length that people with short attention spans can't handle. This is now a case study for your ammo drawer when it seems everyone around you is conspiring to get some watered-down measurable direct response crud in form of a starburst shaped coupon.


The Thank you for paying your TV license viral released in November has already had 5 million unique visits reports Resumé.
The entire population of Sweden is only slightly over 9 million, to put it in perspective Source: CIA Factbook.
Just a tiny snag in the success-story, the IP numbers logged are from 214 different countries, and Radiotjänst have decided to block foreign IP's from visiting as it's proven just a tad too popular abroad which puts a strain on their bandwidth.

Previous Radotjänst ads - the film that was awarded at Eurobest and Roygalan.

Radiotjänst - Mataffaffären / Supermarket - (2009) :55 (Sweden)

src="">Thank you for paying your TV license viral released in November has already had 5 million unique visits reports Resumé.
The entire population of Sweden is only slightly over 9 million, to put it in perspective Source: CIA Factbook.
Just a tiny snag in the success-story, the IP numbers logged are from 214 different countries, and Radiotjänst have decided to block foreign IP's from visiting as it's proven just a tad too popular abroad which puts a strain on their bandwidth.

Previous Radotjänst ads - the film that was awarded at Eurobest and Roygalan.

Radiotjänst - Mataffaffären / Supermarket - (2009) :55 (Sweden)

src="">Radiotjänst - Mataffaffären / Supermarket - (2009) :55 (Sweden)

src="">Thank you for paying your TV license viral released in November has already had 5 million unique visits reports Resumé.
The entire population of Sweden is only slightly over 9 million, to put it in perspective Source: CIA Factbook.
Just a tiny snag in the success-story, the IP numbers logged are from 214 different countries, and Radiotjänst have decided to block foreign IP's from visiting as it's proven just a tad too popular abroad which puts a strain on their bandwidth.

Previous Radotjänst ads - the film that was awarded at Eurobest and Roygalan.

Radiotjänst - Mataffaffären / Supermarket - (2009) :55 (Sweden)

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argantil's picture

How many stopped watching after 15 seconds? I don't understand what they're saying at all.