Radio Sulamerica Paradiso FM "Sound Penalty" (2017) 2:00 (Brazil)

The Government Hour is a compulsory broadcast for all stations, in Brazil. Every night at 7 PM you get to hear Government news and such. This has been in effect for 82 years. No doubt it contributes to Brazilian anger, too. This might help explain why Rio's traffic is the 8th worst in the world-- something I can confirm from personal experience.
But Radio Sulamerica Paradiso FM has found a nifty way to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. If you use their app, you can listen to music as usual. The app also monitors your speed limit. If it catches you speeding, you are forced to listen to the government radio for one minute before the music continues. It's actually pretty brilliant and apparently it's been a success, because no one went over the speed limit more than once.

Advertising Agency: 3yz, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Agency website:
Creative Director: Eduardo Menezes
Art Director: Pedro Heckmann
Copywriter: Bruna Dahmer
Account Executive: Manoela Lisboa
Agency Producer: Diego Carvalho
Code Developer: Eduardo Schitz, Henrique Boaventura
APP Developer: MobRádio
Motion Design: Dr. Smith
Sound Design: Sound Thinkers
Client Services: Márcio Norris

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