R A U C O U S Content Signs Paul Iannacchino

Director Paul Iannacchino joins R A U C O U S Content, the Hollywood-based production company recently launched by industry leaders Steve Wi and Phyllis Koenig. Whether his work is hidden camera, social experiment, live stunt or documentary filmmaking, Paul Iannacchino possesses the exceptional ability to create engaging, sharable content that delights clients, consumers and creatives alike.

The sense of realism inherent in Paul Iannacchino’s work has become his signature, as showcased in “The Happiness Machine” videos he created for Coca-Cola. The hidden camera-style web series captured the reactions of unsuspecting college students as a specially rigged Coke machine dispensed gifts of soda, pizza, flowers and other surprising treats. His “Where Will Happiness Strike Next?” campaign went on to win a Gold Clio, an ADDY and a Webby award, to name a few.

In his latest work for the mega-brand, the Christmas spot “Best Coke Ever,” Paul crafted a heartwarming film featuring real people sharing powerful announcements with loved ones via personalized Coke bottles. The unscripted moments of joy included a marriage proposal, a pregnancy announcement, and the reunion of a soldier with his family.

In 2015, Paul returned to his roots in the world of independent rap music to create the do Adult Rappers. The Kickstarter-funded feature pulls the curtain back on the lives of working class MCs and beat-makers pursuing their art within the youth-driven culture of underground rap.

Most recently, Paul has directed memorable campaigns for major clients including Pepsi, Gillette, Febreze, Honda, Kia, and others. His recent Benjamin Moore “Talking Wall” campaign, which left an indelible shade of Fenway Park on NYC and passionate Yankee passersby on the street, was crowned a Cannes Lion award for its witty fusion of brand, baseball and memorable sidewalk conversations.

Executive Producer Steve Wi had this to say about his recent success: “Paul is a sharp, tireless collaborator – the kind of multi-versatile filmmaker who perfectly understands the intersection of reality and entertainment. We’re thrilled to be partnering with him and can’t wait to see what he develops next.”

Paul’s irrefutable talent for capturing authentic, brand-defining moments perfectly harmonizes R A U C O U S Content. With the company's opening in 2016, R A U C O U S Owner / EPs Steve Wi and Phyllis Koenig have created a collaborative community of filmmakers dedicated to producing engaging content across platforms.

The R A U C O U S directorial roster also hosts the talents of Ben Callner, Ryan Ebner, Keith Ehrlich, Adam Gunser, Chris Hooper, Rachel McDonald, Matt Shakman and Daniel Strange.

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