A quick chat at the kitchen table: Bambusing about #Karen26 & Extrabladets need to shift blame

I'm not that pleased with the newspapers/media, who fell for and reported the #Karen26 story without verifying it in any way, are currently engaging in what looks like a witch hunt against VisitDenmark and seem to be asking for heads to roll (or at least somebody fired). I wonder who seeded the ad to reporters - and why didn't reporters contact fictional Karen through youtube inmail?

Links mentioned: Talegaver.wordpress.com "How you drive Extra Bladets editorial staff mad" and #Karen26. Link mentioned in this one Labconfidentail.dk: Pas på kildekritikken (check the source!) More ad examples: Murketing revealed: Mobile phones can not pop pocorn, the Big ad, and Sony Bravia "Balls" (spoofed by Tango) as mentioned in this short Bambuse.


(The sound is terrible, as the mike picked up noise from outside.)

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