Queer cab campaign against homophobia

RFSU (the Swedish national group for sex information) have launched a new campaign, this one aims to battle homophobia. Their idea is the Queer Cab, you get a free taxi-ride in this big pink 1963 Mercedes Taxi, you "pay" by listening to information, taking pop quizzes like "hetero-bingo" and "prejudice experiment", and the goal is that you will think about where you fit and how you might be playing a part in keeping this a homophobic society. An interesting way of spreading information, the Queer Cab will be campaigning as a free ride at the music festival hot spots of Popaganda, Stockholm, The Arvika festival, the Gay Pride festival naturally, the Subörbfestival and many more places this summer.

They've already taken a famous Swede for a ride, Sivert Öholm, a tough case known for his critism against the "homo-spindoctors" (his words) in media. Siewert didn't like the ride much "I feel attacked for being heterosexual", he quipped before oozing praise on the cab-driver Jens Jonsson who did a difficult job well. "Jens does a great job, and I think it is important for people to test themselves. In that the Queer cab gets a high score. However I think the questions were stodgy and the answers far too politically correct. Those who dare to actually think and be open around these questions are, as usual, told to shut up." said Siewert.

Last years RFSU stunt was the safe sex promoting Condom mobile, dial the number and get condoms delivered to where you are at day or night. Hat tip to Pilo at the Swedish adforum hangout Bold for the lead.


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