Punchy Returns With a BIG Punch

Punchy, Hawaiian Punch's long time mascot, has made a come back after his long disappearance. Believe you me, he's not that hard to notice. Punchy's grown a little older to model to a teenage audience. A teen boy sticks his head in a fridge during a party, holding an empty glass. He says 'Sure' to someone un-seen, then suddenly there's a lot of dust, a huge crash, and we see the outline of the boy. He seems to have gone through the first layer of wall and been lodged in the second. All we can see is his arm, which is still holding the glass. Only now, the glass is full of pink liquid.

The glass disappears into the wall, we hear a large gulp and a contented sigh. Nobody else at the party has noticed that there's a human outline in the wall. Then the same thing happens to a teen girl. Another thirsty teen boy opens the fridge after the girl has disappeared through the wall with a familiar gulp and sigh. Now we finally find the answer to the mystery. Punchy has been standing in the fridge asking everyone, "Want a Hawaiian Punch?" to which they've all replied "Sure." They've received more then they bargained for. The boy flies into the wall. We see two teen guys walking outside as they spot the outline of the last boy to open the fridge. Apparently, this whole punch thing isn't uncommon. They say, "Cool. Hawaiian Punch." and we hear another gulp and sigh. Punchy packs quite a punch. I think this aiming at teens is so dumb. Dr. Pepper openly mentioned on their site that Punchy was made this time to catch a teens attention. Well, I think he'll get their attention once they get stuck in their walls.

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