Kirowski Isobar Budapest created a mobile ad that read "Three words we don't say enough: 'Thank you mom'", and when you tapped on it, it searched your phone for "mom, "mother", "Mum" and other variations to set up a text message to the lovely lady listed as your mom on your phone. Pretty clever, since so many people have mom listed as just that on their phone, though it would never work in mine where she's listed under "travel agent" with "guilt trips" as her speciality. P&G might be a bit cheeky here, as it reminds you to talk to your mom, but we can't say it's off-brief.
Agency: Kirowski Isobar Budapest
Creative Director: Márton Jedlicska
Art Director: Dániel Deme
Copywriter: Bence Bodnár
Developer: Attila Polacsek