Primo - Take a moment and chill (2010)

Primo have rigged fridges (and people) at a gas station in St. Eden, where if you come in and choose the wrong fridge, you'll be treated to a heart-attack inducing horror of the instant rave-party. If you like this girl choose to drink something that's a little healthier than those sugar-bomb soda-pops, you'll be treated to a chill-out moment. The reactions are priceless. There's more coming, this man really enjoys his chill-out moment, and make sure it lasts, while this guy adapts his behavior after the initial shock. Then there's the guy who "casually" walks out of the shop to get away from the crazy dancing people, and forgets the drink he came in for. You can follow the primo hidden camera campaign on Primo's website.

Agency: Colenso BBDO

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