Post-It - The banner ad that makes you love banner ads (2015) Russia

Proximity Russia are changing the script with this brilliant banner that makes you like banners. Like banners? Oh yes, you know the tedious stalking banners that follow you around each and every website showing you that item you looked at once? Proximity Russia and Post-it use that cookie-magic to make banners that are actually Post-it note reminders, reminding you of whatever chore you have on your to-do list. Suddenly those stalking banners are practical. Also serves as a reminder to stock up on post-it notes.

Proximity Russia lets us know that right now it’s available on Russian websites only, but if the initial response is positive, they’ll try to convince Post-it® to make it work all over the world. LETS TELL POST-IT THIS IS BRILLIANT Y'ALL!

Ad agency: Proximity / BBDO Group, Russia -

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