Pocari Sweat - Dream Capsule on the moon - (2014) 8:45 (Japan)

Pocari Sweat, my favorite named sports drink, has stepped away from making really bizarre clips that we've collected prior, and into spaaaaaaaaace. Say it with me people, Pocari Sweat in spaaaaaaaace.

This nearly nine minute extravaganza is more an educational documentary than ad, and it shows how Pocari Sweat build their dream capsule that they will send to the moon. Inside the capsule there will be notes written from 120 children, and a small compartment of Pocari Sweat powder. Yes, people, there will be a soda shaped "can" on the moon, with the Pocari Sweat label and famous blue color on. the. moon. Now, this isn't a simple "slap up a 94-sheet billboard" maneuver, so that's why this case study is more educational than shows on the History channel. There's not even a mention of "Aliens" though presumably they'd be the first to find the can.

Pocari Sweat and the several companies mentioned in the eight minute mini-docu above, are planning to have the time capsule / dream capsule on the moon in October 2015. If the mission works as planned, Poocari Sweat will then be the first corporation to land on the moon. Since NASA has discovered an abundance of water on the moon, in the future maybe an astronaut who finds it will be able to enjoy some Pocari sweat on the moon. On the moon yo, Pocari sweat is going to the moon.

Client: Otuska Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Pocari Sweat

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