Please stop with the year book antics.

The other day, Business Insider released its 50 sexiest ad executives alive list. Judging by the low-res images scraped from varying sites, it's not only silly, it's downright creepy.

So get this! One agency, Studiocom, was apparently miffed that their ECD, Maurizio Villarreal, wasn't chosen for the list. So they started a Tumblr site to correct the situation god they resorted to the old high school year book joke. Do you know how warmed over this schitck is?

Not sure about the rest of y'all, but if my ECD were busy posing for photos for a tumblr site, I'd be questioning whether my ECD had too much time on their hands. Which would then make me question the need for an ECD.

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Dabitch's picture

What? I thought it was the ECD's job to hold - a) metal rulers as swords, b) heavy drinks c) your career d) all of the above - in their hands.

Dabitch's picture

malecopywriter had a bit of fun mocking this, I mean, he did pose BUCK NAKED to promote his portfolio once, which makes this tweet kinda funnier.