Photographer parodies a Justin Bieber video with the song "Pay me" about infringement

Tokyo-based editorial photographer Irwin Wong channels Justin Beiber in this music video where he croons "pay me pay me pay ooooh, pay me" to all those who won't cease and desist.

This song goes out to all my photographer homies who have had their copyright infringed!

On Irwin's own blog he launched this song as "the long awaited single from washed-up pop artist Irwin W. is out. Irwin W. - who is not me although he incidentally looks and sounds exactly like me, is actually the Scottish-Japanese former-frontman for the 80′s photography-based rock band High ISO." Ha!

Lets have a look at what photographers get up to in their down-time. I'd say "don't quit your dayjob" but that might be a silly retort when the dayjob isn't paid for these days.

Hat tip LeslieBap

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