Pepsi Max - Mark Sanchez "Winning formula" (2010) :30 (USA)

During the late summer, PepsiCo transitioned its sponsorship of the NFL from Pepsi to Pepsi Max. This change happened at the same time as the relaunch of Pepsi Max.
On Thanksgiving Day, a campaign titled "Winning Formula" featuring Mark Sanchez, the quarterback of the New York Jets, is set to launch. The ad will premiere during the Patriots vs. Lions, Saints vs. Cowboys, and Bengals vs. Jets games.
The ad showcases the Pepsi Max driver receiving training from Mr. Sanchez, as they try to make the soda the "Official Soft Drink of the NFL."

Client: PepsiCo
Ad agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day
Production Company: Pytka
Director: Joe Pytka
Principal talent: Mark Sanchez

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