Paul Arden on God

The man who always said "God is in the details" has lost religion and thus put out a book on the subject. A book short enough to read in one single cab ride sitting. A book which has it's own myspace profile. A book full of those little brilliant napkin scribbles that'll never happen.

"Until very recently, I had blind faith in a God who gave order to all things. I took a lot of comfort from that. Recently, I had Darwin dumped on me with such clarity that it has shaken my belief to its foundations. It's very disquieting not to believe anything. God help me."

"I can't write prose but I can think," Paul said says of his book style to the Independent. "Because of my training from 40 years in advertising, I knew I had to make a simple point in a few words and to use an illustration as a tool of communication. I realised that long books often don't tell you more than a short book – they have written a lot of words about a small subject because it makes them sound learned and authoritative but it just means they're long-winded."
"Paul Arden* is a brand. (*This product may contain nuts)" writes Graham Fink on the book. If you like assorted nuts, this book is for you.

You can buy some book by Paul, like It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book at Barnes&Noble. 

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Is this is the first hard-copy book that has a MySpace profile? I wonder if this will prove to be an enduring trend.

alex's picture

No, I've seen at least two prior to this.