Partnership for a Healthier America wants you to Drink Up

The Partnership for a Healthier America wants you to drink more water. I want to see less borrowed interest especially from Ali and Einstein. But you know. We can't always get what we want.

Client: Partnership for a Healthier America
Jim Elliott: Chief Creative Officer, Y&R NY
Mike Wente: Executive Creative Director, VML NY
Bruce Jacobson: Creative Director, Y&R NY
Alan Vladusic: Creative Director, Y&R NY
Harsh Kapadia: Senior Art Director, VML NY
Alice Thomas: Senior Copywriter, VML NY
Letitia Jacobs: Executive Director of Content Production, Y&R NY
David Mindel: Senior Graphic Designer, Y&R NY
Loni Pont: Art Buyer
Abby Bralove: Assistant Producer

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Borrowed interest aside, these are great pictures they've chosen and inserted the message into. I like the Art Direction quite a bit. To borrow an annoying client's phrase "it pops".