Panasonic - Safety Nose Hair trimmer - Borat / Baldy / Fatty (2009) print, Indonesia

Saatchi and Saatchi Indonesia explain: "With thousands of sensory nerve fibers in the nostrils, trimming nose hair can be as risky as cutting live wires. We used billboards around actual electric wires and poles to amusingly yet convincingly dramatize the need for the Panasonic nose hair trimmer's "safety cutting system"

Outdoor advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Indonesia
Billboards built around actual electric wires and poles
I love this guy he looks hilarious.

What do we call these types of ads? Where part of the idea is the media, or rather where and how the ad is positioned? Ambient? Street art? :P Mediavertising? Who knows, but without the placing, the idea does not work. It certainly seems to have gotten the attention of people passing by as you can see in the full case study layouts below. I love the illustration style, it adds some extra humor to it all. Seriously doubt that this idea could happen anywhere but in Indonesia, most cities are pretty picky with civilians touching the electric wires in the area no matter how much you bribe them. 

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Indonesia
Creative Director: Juhi Kalia
Art Director: Audy Sutama
Copywriter: Pancaputera
Illustrator: DeadWolf Studio, Rudy Harianto
Additional credits: Dini Makmun, Shanty persada, Daniel B, Annisa M, M,Iskak, Tri S, Aryanto S

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