Palace X adidas "EQT" (2016) 1:00 (UK)

This spot promotes the new running range from Palace and adidas –and their very own version of the iconic EQT shoe. It stars Blondey McCoy, who does a lot of running. It's very much a nod to old school 80's running ads.
It starts by asking some very deep questions-- who are we, where are we going, and then gets quite silly. When we get there will be wifi? Why didn't I just get the bus?
Palace X adidas: Because life is such a mission.

Client: Palace Skateboards
Agency: MPC Creative
Director/Writer: Stuart Tanju
Producers: Richard Skinner & Johnny Blick
Production Company: MPC Creative
Service Producer: Zico ‘Fried Chicken ‘Judge @ 24:7
DoP: Ben Coughlan
Offline Editor: Ben Crook @ Speade
Sound Design: Ned Sisson @ Wave Studios
VFX Producer: Edwin Elkington
VFX: Jonathan Box, James McIver
Grade: Richard Fearon @ MPC

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