Oreo comes in peace when the Mars rover lands

So we're landing on Mars. Again. Back in September 1997 when NASA's Mars Pathfinder landed and we tried to watch this via a shitty dialup from the BBDO offices, I never quite did get a good explanation as to why Mars bars weren't latching on to the worldwide exploration anticipation with ads congratulating NASA, when they had such a perfect name for it? I guess it was because we didn't have the fast-acting world of social media back then, and investing in print ads with a diffuse ROI wasn't a clients favorite way to spend money. These days quite a few brands play in the social media arena. Take Oreo cookies, who got into a bit of trouble generating backlash (and love) for celebrating gay pride day with rainbow stuffing. Draftfcb, and Oreo have now made colored stuffing a thing, as they welcomed the Mars rover landing with red stuffing all over their social media channels today. Cute, but please don't make any pink stuffing for October. It's been done.src="adland.tv/reo-celebrates-gay-pride-rainbow-stuffing">celebrating gay pride day with rainbow stuffing. Draftfcb, and Oreo have now made colored stuffing a thing, as they welcomed the Mars rover landing with red stuffing all over their social media channels today. Cute, but please don't make any pink stuffing for October. It's been done.

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