Orange: "When the lights are off, the site is on" idea, site won't launch until you dim the lights.

Tony Granger, Young & Rubicam's Global Chief Creative Officer and Y&R's Global Creative Board announced the winner of the network's annual "Idea of the Year" awards - it's the super clever website that Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv did for Orange to launch their new internet movie portal "Orange Time". The website won't open properly, until you turn off the lights, just like in the cinema where the main feature starts after the lights are dimmed. For those who can't check it out due to too much light in your office, watch a quicktime film of the effect inside. I can't help but sing "clap on, clap off" when I watch it and clap along but I may have consumed too much Jolt today Y&RTel AViv explains.

"Orange wanted to launch "Orange Time," its new paying entertainment and movies portal via the internet and to prove to surfers that watching a movie on the internet is just as good as watching one at the cinema. Using the insight that when lights go out in the cinema it's the signal that puts us in the mood, we created a site that opens only if you switch off the lights in the room. Physically. Literally. The secret was the combination of the computer webcam and a unique technology that analyzes the variations in the light's intensity. Once surfers activated the site, clicking on the trailers redirected them to the full-length screening page on the Orange portal. In one month, Orange became the #1 VOD portal in the country. During the campaign there was a 50% increase in visits to the site."

Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv Creative Director: Gideon Amichay/ Eran Gefen Creative Team: Dima Patt/ Roy Cohen/ Lena Feldman/ Rani Sebag Supervisor: Amichay Kattan Account Executive: Rona Rozental

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kamari's picture

That is really really nice.