ONEMI "emergency radio" (2016) 3:00 (Chile)

Chile is one of the most earthquake-prone areas in the entire world, with one earthquake last year registering 8.4 on the Richter scale. With so many earthquakes, and so many powerful magnitude ones occurring in this region, Chile can be at the mercy of the elements, losing power in a single moment. Oficina Nacional de Emergencia or ONEMI wanted to make Chileans better prepared for these emergencies. They partnered with Shackleton to create emergency survival kits. But Shckelton took it one step further by developing a low cost solar-powered radio so people could get their news on the media that is least likely to go out during an emergency. The radio is easy to put together and a scanner helps find the ONEMI station with the touch of a button. The radio got enthusiastic support from Jorge Burgos, Chile's Minister Of Internal Affairs and Security as well as Raul Zamora, Chile's army major who states correctly, today's technology (internet, cell phones, smart watches) can be wiped out in an instant, but that little portable radio will always be able to serve its purpose. This idea might just be a life-saving one.

Client: Oficina Nacional de Emergencia
Agency: Shackelton

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