Obra do Berço - Anny Meisler / The influencer apology (2023) :45 (Brazil)

You know the typical "apology" video that influencers and YouTubers have basically turned into its own genre?
Ad agency "11:21" used this concept to generate attention and increase donations to Obra do Berço, a nearly hundred-year-old organization in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that provides care for children aged zero to four.
Anny Meisler (@annybmeisler), a businesswoman who frequently discusses family, children, fashion, and decor, was the influencer who participated in the campaign and played the character.

Agency: 11:21
Client: Obra do Berço
Creative Director: Gustavo Bastos
Popywriter: Gustavo Bastos
Producer Company: Blackbird
Director: Ricardo Oliveira
Account Executive: Amanda Fernandes

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