Oasis – Cactus Kid part one (2008):30 (UK)

Agency: Mother, London
Production Company: Independent Films

Alexis Ross , Designer
Mark Waites , Creative Director
Gustav Geldenhuys , Producer
Adriana Cedillo , Producer
Director: Mike Maguire
DoP: Barry Peterson
Production Company: Independent Films

See also: Part two and Part three

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Dabitch's picture


RLDavies's picture

Colin just wants to know how they managed it. The baby, that is. Or, on second thought, he doesn't want to know.

Dabitch's picture

I guess his prick isn't prickly. *teeheeehee*

Allan1's picture

She might just be into some pain - or maybe, some of his 'thorns' might act like acupuncture, and feel real good!