Nutella gives us hazelnut high heels on International Women's day.

Nutella's facebook page is currently celebrating international women's day with a pic of Nutella high heels and handbags... because this is of course all we women wish for. We are a gift to the world, and when we gift things to ourselves it's shoes... We don't need an expanded violence against women act, or the right to defend ourselves with guns, the right to an education, the right to choose our life, the right to ride public transportation without getting killed. The ambition to become president, astronauts and every child's favorite author. All we want is high heels and purses. That's our gift to ourselves. A sweet treat. Thanks guys. Really. So glad I don't eat Nutella.

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I saw really fat, pale-faced kids and similar adults on the verge of death with heart disease, wandering from giant shopping malls and climbing out of large shiny cars, into a destroyed forest looking for food, while beautiful and innocent indigenous families stood among the fresh weeds looking on confusedly with sad, wide eyes.
It was "World Nutella Day".