Norrlands Guld - A beer - (2012) :30 (Sweden)

Yes, you might get a touch of Big Ad vibes here, but trust me, this fits the evolving campaigns tone of voice to a T. Here, let me translate the lyrics for you, else it makes no sense. Or, I'll attempt to, because the words chosen in this song, and the delivery of them, are in the the rough-around the edges understated typical lingo of northern Sweden, and not easily transferred to another language. Now, gosh darnit, we're gonna build something something really good where we can be ourselves and get what we want a beer a beer a beer, a really big beer a beer a beer Holy crap, that's good. A beeeeer.

Ad agency: Digitas, Stockholm

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AnonymousCoward's picture

This is the most annoying commercial I ever saw on tv. I don't understand what the makers were thinking when they shot it. Do they want to push people away from their product? I can say that in that case, they did a great job. Now whenever I see this beer in the shop, I walk by it and take another branch.
