Nike - No Excuses - long (2008) :60 (USA)

Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Director: Errol Morris
Featuring Matt Scott of the Warhawks

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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claymore's picture

W+K is Nike. Nike is W+K.

Dalbir's picture

Bernbach was VW. VW was Bernbach.

tod.brody's picture

Bernbach wasn't just VW, he WAS 20th Century American advertising!

claymore's picture

Jeremiah was a bullfrog. He was a good friend of mine.

Dabitch's picture

I love the touch of leaving two balls as his last statement. Yeah, Matt Scott has got that.

*Waves to Dalbir* Heya!

zainul arefeen's picture

nike is nike. Hey apart from this ad its just a general argument that should deposition (like these American brands do that is they delibrately attack and hit each other) it should be allowed in Asian countries ???...

Dabitch's picture

I'm not sure I follow, what's the question?