Nike - Do anything - (:60) (2004) (USA)

Superadgrunts, click read more to view yet another Nike masterpiece by Wieden and Kennedy.

Spot the sportsmen and women... The tennis star Andre Agassi plays baseball; the cyclist Lance Armstrong is boxing; the pitcher Randy Johnson as a professional bowler; the runner Marion Jones as a gymnast; the football players Brian Urlacher and Michael Vick as hockey teammates; and the tennis star Serena Williams playing beach volleyball.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Gave me chills! Wow -- what a knockout ad!

Reminds me of those kind of comic books I read as a kid "What if Spider-Man joined the Fantastic Four?"

Dabitch's picture

Frank Rigas reckons :

It’s kind of like Forrest Gump meets ESPN.
And it’s an attention getter.
The commercial ends with Nike’s popular slogan: Just Do It.
As far as great commercials go, Nike just did it.

I reckon it's pretty good too (if you know all the athletes which I assume the target does. I didn't.)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Yeah. I think it's a very well done spot, but the only negative thing I have to say about it is that, unless you're paying close attention, you might easily miss that the athletes aren't playing the sports they are "supposed" to be playing. But then you're walking that fine of hitting viewers over the head with that...and that's not good either. I only realized that the athletes were swapped because I read an article about the spot before it aired. Then again, I don't know that I'm the target you said Dab...