Nestle gets nailed for false advertising its Poland Spring water.

Nestle gets nailed for false advertising.

The lawsuit, which was filed in Connecticut Superior Court, contends that Nestlé falsely advertised its product in several instances including claiming on the label of each bottle that the water comes from Poland Spring when the original Poland Spring has not flowed since 1967. Most of the company's labels state that the water comes from Poland Spring or a nearby spring.

According to the complaint on behalf of the two named plantiffs, Michelle Savalle, a Connecticut resident, and SDB Trucking, Nestlé draws its water from a site 30 miles away from the original Poland Spring and often uses ground water and a spring that is near the site of a former garbage dump.

The complaint also contends that Nestlé has misled consumers by stating that its water is ''naturally purified'' or ''spring water'' because it does not meet the scientific definition for spring water.

Now someone explain to me again why bottled water is more expensive by volume than gasoline, bleach and most other convenience store beverages!?

Oh yeah - because we're silly enough to continue buying it at that price.

Sidenote: The rumor about Evian water being filtered with cow's blood? False.

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