From Y&R São Paulo we get this totally visually driven idea for national Geographic - and forgive me but my immediate thought was "Did National Geographic really approve this?"
The idea is so basic, it's confused. Take the popular snapchat faceswapping visual language, and use it as a visual "walk a mile in my shoes" metaphor. See through someone elses eyes. Get someone elses perspective. All perfectly logical conclusions if you're not laughing your sides off to how utterly ridiculous faceswapping looks. And if you somehow manage to take this seriously, you might be the type of person who confuses the images with blackface and will write a hundred medium posts on the awfulness of this idea. I hear ad people work 24/ in São Paulo. Maybe take a break and get some fresh air once in a while, because this isn't working.
Agency: Y&R São Paulo
Client: National Geographic Brasil
Creative Director: Rui Branquinho
Head of Art: Felipe Pavani
Art Director: Mariana Villela
Copywriters: Rui Branquinho e Marina Erthal
Photographer: Getty Images
Art Buyer: Monica Beretta e Stephanie Wang
Account: Vivianne Brafmann
Media Team: Gustavo Gaion, Marcello Bolla