Narrowing the Gap

AKA She Who Svelte It, Dealt It.

Through a underground network of dubious characters and quasi-reliable contacts, adland's sibling site Ad to the Bone has managed to procure a second batch of GAP commercials that never made it to the air, this time from their latest Spring campaign.

While the spots that are currently being broadcast feature Simon and Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy), there were a few other song choices that allllllmost made it, but not quite - it appears that they were sending out "the wrong message."

Go to the adtothebone gapoutlet and see for yourself what we mean.... - April Fools! ;-)

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Dabitch's picture


a VERY adgeeky april fool indeed. the "out takes" sounded good! :-)

Dabitch's picture

I sense cult-web-viral classic coming on here. The music is great when you look at those waferthin women.

Dabitch's picture

waferthin is the word! a bit much, Gap.

Robblink's picture

Man! That was so funny!