Nancy Vonk interviewed on "The Naked Career"

A little over 2 weeks ago, Talent Zoo launched "The Naked Career", an interview show hosted by the one and only Sally Hogshead via podcast.

This week, Sally's guest is Nancy Vonk. In the wake of the Neil French debacle, tune in to listen to two successful women (and mothers) in the advertising industry cover the following topics:

- In what ways are women better leaders than men? In what ways are men better?
- Is lack of female leadership in advertising one of sexism against women? Or are women consciously choosing not to put in the round-the-clock hours?
- How much of managing childcare is the responsibility of the employee, and how much is the responsibility of the company?
- What steps can women take to be more successful in their careers and motherhood?
- In what ways motherhood has changed their careers: good and bad
- The reality of sexism in the workplace, in their experience.

Part One of this two part series will be on Talent Zoo's site Wednesday, November 2nd.

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Why is Vonk so bitter? Geez, let it go. Especially since they were good friends. What a boooring interview.