MTV Magazine, Twin Towers vs Aids deaths - print, Brazil

MTV burning twin tower ad
MTV WTC burning ad

Too soon? Perhaps. This campaign from MTV Magazine in Brazil compares deaths from Aids, famine and poverty to the deaths caused in the 911 attack on the world trade center New york.

Text next to the towers: 2863 death
Text next to the man: 40 million HIV infected in the world.
"The world united against the terrorism should do the same against AIDS"

Text next to the towers: 2863 death
Text next to the boy: 824 million undernourished people in the world
"The world united against the terrorism should do the same against hunger"

Text next to the towers: 2863 death
Text next to the boy: "630 million indigents in the world"
"The world united against the terrorism should do the same against poverty"

* Updated note: this campaign is now traveling the world via email with the false explanation that it was "aired only once and the stopped by the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT" <- the last words should tell you how false the story is. It's a Brazilian ad campaign. That is all. If you have any 2003 Lürzers archive's lying around, check issue number 1 from that year, this campaign is in it.

MTV 911 twin tower ad Brazil

Client: MTV Magazine
Ad Agency: Age, Sao Paolo
Art Directors: Tomas Lorente, Augosto Moyo
Copywriters: Carlos Domingos, Alexandre Lucas
Photograper: Ricardo Viera

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