MSB - "If the war comes (to Sweden)" / Be prepared - (Sweden) subtitled

As of November 18, MSB in their infinite wisdom has decided it's time again to remind Swedish households about the impending crisis with their latest masterpiece, "If the war is coming."

The last gem from MSB was back in 2018, and oh boy, how the world has turned since then! Not only has the security situation gone downhill faster than a toboggan on an ice rink, but Sweden has also joined the NATO club, which apparently has made them rewrite the whole darn manual.

"It is no secret that the security situation has deteriorated since the previous brochure was issued in 2018. With a changed world situation, it is necessary to update the information for Sweden's households to reflect our times," says Carl-Oskar Bohlin, Minister for Civil Defense, probably while sipping his coffee, feeling very important about his role in this paper avalanche.

So, brace yourselves, from November 18 to November 29, a whopping five million of these updated crisis brochures will be invading mailboxes. Reminding people that they should be low-key stressed out about the Russians invading. Just what we all wanted for the holidays, right? I was just hoping for a little glögg and snow, not nuclear ash.

In the brochure, you will learn how to prepare, and what to do if the crisis or war comes. As you are part of Sweden's preparedness. In fact everyone between the ages of 16 and 70 who lives in Sweden is part of Sweden's total defense and must participate in preparing Sweden for war, if necessary.

The brochure can be ordered in English and downloaded digitally in Arabic, Persian/Farsi, Ukrainian, Polish, Somali, Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani Arli, Northern Sami and Southern Sami. It is also available in Swedish sign language, read in (audio), as a subtitled film in various languages ​​and in Braille. Soon it will also be possible to order and download in "easy Swedish" too. That's Swedish dumbed down with simpler words for people who have a difficult time reading.

Client: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) / Swedish civil Contingencies Agency

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