Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Has Motion-Controlled Boobs - which is so funny in itself that I haven't stopped laughing yet. But Mediabane took a bullet for us and collected himself long enough to make a post about featuring this easter egg as the main attraction of the game in advertising as being a rather clever albeit risky marketing tactic. At least I think that's the point he's making, I can't see for tears. Motion controlled boobs, when you think about it, you know that was the absolute first thing one some horny geeks mind when they conceived of the technology. I'm honestly surprised it took this long.
Typofile shows off the first handmade subpixel typefamily, ever. It has x-height of 3 pixels, it is italic, inspired by old masters and most important – made by hand. It's soon coming to a favicon near you.
3 pixels is too small. Did they even take into consideration the horrible effects of eye strain caused by trying to decipher the microtype?
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