MoneyMarketing - the old new media in everyones pocket.

Money talks, and it wants you to buy stuff. Seems the old idea of stickers on money has a new lease on life, with even full-fledged specialized media agencies opening in its honor. "The idea was born when I received a coin at a taverna in Greece which had a sticker with the name of the bar on it" said Thomas Ridell, founder, and CEO of Moneymarketingmedia . Several lawyers have looked into the legalities of stickers on Swedish money and while it is clear that bills may not be 'stickered', there is nothing stopping people from putting stickers on coins, as long as the size and the weight of the coin is not affected. Åsa Syden, a lawyer at Swedens National Bank (Riksbanken) is less enthusiastic: "This must be stopped, if we have to we'll take them to court." she stated to Dagens Industri before even the first coins hit the streets. The first customer to try out the coin-ads from Moneymarketing is Fly Me, who are running a competition if you find one of 'their' coins you can win a years worth of air-travel. Sending messages on bills and coins isn't groundbreakingly new, interactingarts has been stamping messages on bills, like: "WARNING! Money can severely damage your mind, health, society and environment", and one can find stamped US bills where Washington states "I grew hemp". The TV show Traffic in the United States used 1 million dollar bills to promote their show. There's even been a D&AD winning campaign on coins. Much like Thomas Ridell I've received stickered coins advertising anything from bars to tire-specialists already way back in the eighties. It looks like the idea of using money as advertising space is here to stay people - right now the novelty may cut through the clutter, but how long before it becomes the clutter? What do y'all think about this?

src="">D&AD winning campaign on coins. Much like Thomas Ridell I've received stickered coins advertising anything from bars to tire-specialists already way back in the eighties. It looks like the idea of using money as advertising space is here to stay people - right now the novelty may cut through the clutter, but how long before it becomes the clutter? What do y'all think about this?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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blabla's picture

..since right now I guess - my objection is that the coins belong to the state, and by extension the people, not to Moneymarketing. They must be bunch of great adsales people there to actually sell space that does not belong to them. Applause.

Legally, if they can't change the weight and size of the coin - how are they pulling this off? Even the thinnest tiniest sticker (and these look quite thick and clumsy) would add both weight and width to a coin, albeit just a teeeeeny bit. Since Sweden is an old fashioned monarchy, isn't there some law against defacing the King the way they have in the photos?

Dabitch's picture

Svenska Dagbladet has already reported that Riksbanken (the National Bank) has officially stated they will not accept coins that have been 'stickered' . Dunno 'bout no defacing the King laws, but in that article a representative of Riksbanken states that coins have to be easily recognisable to be used as payment" (hard to translate.) I assume they want to coins to be easily recognisable by blind people, as I know they are quite picky with the shapes, colors and sizes of bills and coins to help blind and partially sighted people identify their value.

aiiobo's picture

They hadn't even spoken to the national bank before opening this "media"-agency? Then what are you paying them for - I could get a sack of coins and a bunch of bored monkeys to sticker coins for cheap, and clean them all up once they all had been returned without having to call this so called media-agency. Scammers.

Imanaddy's picture
Dabitch's picture

AnonymousCoward's picture

Undersigned have posted some comments for the MMM action which have been taken place in Swedish printed, broadcasting and webbased medias. I just have to follow and post some more because the attention and proportion this has taken have been quite remarcable and it is of interest of the integrity, where is the limit, and most of all what is the purpose? To irritate or to stimulate? Its both aspects who own the money and which damage it can take. I am very surpiced over in which evaluation the businessidea have been taken, due to that the company claim that there have been many solicitors checking which leagl the buisiness can go around without be illeagal. To use the real money are exeptional bad. If to start a central which clean the money, assort the money and repair vending mashines could be one step to take now. I am a lover of logotypes as my business have been sold millions of lapel pins during the years, but this is frankly a golddigging concept.

James Trickery's picture

Good one.

Neo's picture

I agree with Maths . This is just a golddigging scheme and not here to stay.
PS. Just a friendly reminder that yet another 'underground' channel has now been turned into advertising space.

I grew Hemp - messages on Money