Mom invents app that locks kids phones until they call back

Ignore no more is an android app whereby you can lock your kids phone, and they have to call you back to unlock it. This is what happens when you let a teacher turned app-maker, as Sharon Standifird is, start making things that are useful outside of tech hipster bubbles. No mug declaring what you drink, no cat food app, but a solution to a problem every mother - and father - of a teenager faces today. They hit "ignore" when you call. When I was a teenager we didn't have phones in our pockets, but used to call phone booths in subway stations to reach our circle of friends. Imagine my surprise when I was hanging around the phone booth and my mom called one day. What I'm saying is, you can't ignore mom, ever. Don't even try, kids.

So how does it work? The kids phone is locked from the remote parent phone, it can now only call the parent, and you have to call the parent to get a passcode from them to unlock your phone. No trying to "just call them and hang up" tricks will work, you actually have to talk to mom. The horrors. Like, I bet she's going to ask you where you are, have you eaten, and do you need a sweater. Quelle embarrassing, right? Just call her.

The app developer Sharon Standifird created this app because her kids were ignoring her calls. This CBS news interview shows that Sharon Standifird served in the gulf war, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, and decided to build the app just to solve this problem - she sounds like exactly the type of mom one shouldn't ignore. You got balls, Bradley. Now call mom.

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