Modelo "You Don't Say It " (2013) :30 (USA)

In the real world, you don't say . You do. You are quality. Just like Modelo.

Advertising Agency: La Comunidad
Chief Creative Officer/Founder: Joaquin Molla
Creative Director: Leo Prat
Creative Director: Ricky Vior
VP of Integrated Production: Laurie Malaga
Production Company: Park Pictures
Director: Vincent Haycock
Executive Producer/Owner: Jackie Kelman Bisbee
EP/Head of Production: Dinah Rodriguez
Executive Producer: Mary Ann Marino
Line Producer: Geogg McLean
Editorial Company: Cut+Run
Editor: Gary Knight
Producer: Melati Pohan
Executive Producer: Rana Martin
Conform: Vapor Post
Smoke Artist: John Holzman
Flame Artist: Duane Vaiani
Sound Design & Mixer: Gustavo Briceno

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