Mini Cooper - Counterfeit Mini Coopers (2005) 0:60 (USA)

AKA the CCC - Counter Counterfeit Commission

Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Brilliant stuff!

Hygge's picture

Soooooooooooooo cool. This one rocks. Gold in Cannes, no doubt about it. Gold at D&AD, gold at NewYorkFestival, gold at the one show, gold at...
This team can pick any job soon.

AnonymousCoward's picture

ive seen horrible ads that are better than this. Including the AETNA ad from the Superbowl. Is Crispin trying anything now to create a buzz?

Hygge's picture

You are so wrong. Wanna bet the Cannes jury agrees with me?

Dabitch's picture

I wouldn't actually. It's funny but not that funny.

Hygge's picture

Shows you just don't know much about advertising, doesn't it? Check out the crap that's on tv, this commercial made me laugh out loud. And very few do that.

Dabitch's picture

*leans over and pinches hygge*

Hygge's picture

That's soooo typical for a female.
Loses the conversation and starts to scratch and yell.

Dabitch's picture

*BITES hygge*

(in case nobody has guessed yet, Hygge has made the mistake of working in my office today.)

Hygge's picture

I will still take any bet this commercial will score in Cannes.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This is by car the best commercial I have ever seen for a car. Good work!

Hygge's picture

Well, that's one point for me: it won Gold in Cannes, just like I predicted.
It's so nice to be right!