Miller Light - Carry-all - (2010) :30

This is not a purse, this is a carry-all.

Client: MillerCoors
Spots Title: Carry-All (featured), Skirt (featured), Panties, Antique, Lower Back Tattoo
Air Date: April 2010

Agency: Draftfcb
Group CD: Chuck Rudnick
Art Director: Gordon Sang
Copywriter: Brian Siedband
Agency EP: Rob Farber

Prod Company: Tool of North America
Director: Erich Joiner
DP: Bob Richardson
Tool EP: Brian Latt
Tool EP Digital: Dustin Callif
Tool Line Producer: Joby Ochnser

Editorial: Spotwelders
Editor(s): Dick Gordon, Dan Maloney

Telecine: Michael Masur

Post/Effects: Filmworkers
Lead VFX/Inferno Artist: Rob Churhull

Music: Emoto Music

Sound Design: CRC
Sound Designer: Mark Ruff

Audio Post Company: CRC
Audio Post Mixer: Mark Ruff

Shoot Location: LA

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