Microsoft's new campaign sneak peek and South Carolina is not gay.

The Denver Egotist spotted a possible leak of the new Microsoft campaign via Zdnet. Looks like CP+B scrapped all the faux-porn ideas and went straight for ye old zig-zag - admit the previous problems in order to move on. Wise choice, in my humble opinion. Attendees at the Microsoft Global Exchange got to preview the commercials, with one attendee quoted as saying "got goosebumps - just, wow". Well that sounds promising, we'll see if the campaign delivers. I'm curious now.

Meanwhile, over at our toony pals wordsandpictures they allow South Carolina speak for himself(?) about that that whole gay state thing. South Carolina is, like, so not gay, yahear?

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purplesimon's picture

I have one problem with this campaign: the copy on the page it leads to (at the moment):

"But we know a few of you were disappointed by your early encounter. Printers didn't work. Games felt sluggish. You told us—loudly at times—that the latest Windows wasn't always living up to your high expectations for a Microsoft product."

What are these high expectations they talk of?

RLDavies's picture

I've just spent money down-upgrading my husband's laptop from Vista to XP, and everybody's happier for it, especially the laptop itself. Vista stinks out loud. That laptop has better specs than my desktop PC and can barely run Vista, never mind making it handle actual programs as well.

My laptop's on Windows 98 and happy there, thank you very much.