Michael Moore cock punchin' for Obama

Michael Moore and Moveon.org are no doubt aware that International Election Monitors are going to observe this years' election, as has been the case since 2002. Still that doesn't stop the Upper East Side propagandist from exploiting The Greatest Generation to try and gin up some good old fashioned scare tactics anyway.

Watch this profanity-laden agitprop, and weep for America, because we have clearly lost our fucking marbles. It's two minutes and twenty seconds of pathetic shit that makes me want to give up my citizenship. Not because of the politics mind you, but because the fucking ad is so insanely bad, so paranoid in its intent, so amateur in its direction, and so cheap in its pandering humor that not even SNL would consider turning this tripe into a sketch.

I hope to God we have an American revolution in advertising soon, otherwise this country really is fucked.

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