Miami sends out Blue Santas for the people's wish lists

On the last Christmas shopping weekend, Sweden's Conservatives (the right wing party) showed up with their own version of Santa, as they pre-started the election year.

The Conservatives got dressed in blue Santa suits, not the traditional red, and headed out in the crowded streets to get shoppers to stop and think about what they really want from the coming election in September. Their aim was to listen to the people and their wishes and gather wishing lists.

"The most important is to listen to what the citizens thinks. We want to realize peoples ideas, that is why we give out and gather wishing lists", says Hans Rothenberg, vice chairman for the conservative party in Göteborg.

Party members and campaign workers dressed as Santas gave out 7.000 flyers during one day. The flyers had printed wishing lists where people could write what they wanted the party to do when they are elected, both locally and nationally.

"Who says Santa has to be red? Do you think a blue Santa is a big change, you have probably not thought of what a new goverment would mean", says Hans Rothenberg.

Behind the idea is the guerilla agency Miami, specialists in alternative marketing. Together with the conservative party they have earlier created a campaign for the election to the EU Parlament.

"As usual the idea looks so simple now afterwards, but is shows really clear what happens if you turn traditional thinking around", says Gustaf from Miami.

Now more unconventional ideas will be made throughout the election year of 2006.

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