MeUndies releases "Harry Potter" underwear set, J K Rowling anti-fandom get their panties in a twist.

MeUndies joined in the fun for the spooky season by launching a collection of Harry Potter themed underwear and sleepwear. You could get everything from a t-strap bralette to jammies in your favorite Hogwarts House pattern, or another general Harry Potter-themed pattern called “Mischief Managed.” 

The fun didn't last long, however, as people began complaining on Twitter that MeUndies might be - gasp! - paying for the IP thereby lining the author J K Rowlings pockets.

As soon as the MeUndies collection was announced on Twitter, angry people declared they would never buy the buy brand again, and the MeUndies social Media managed had a frantic day of trying to respond to everyone and explaining their licensing agreement with Warner Bros. 


No matter what MeUndies replied, people were not happy about this collaboration at all, but the Twitter account tried its best in showing support to all Harry Potter fans.

A "I love J K Rowling" Billboard

What brought this on, you ask, if you've been deprived of media access for a few years. Well, every since Ms Rowling tweeted out a blessing: "Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security." while showing support to Maya Forstater she has been crucified by a section of the LGBTQ+ community, and allies - because gosh that was transphobic. How, you ask? Fast Company has a good rundown on the terms and dealings in UK law. 

Ever since then, billboards supporting JK Rowling, who supports May Forstater, who supports women overall - I know it's a layered cake this - have been popping up all over the world.

Initially, the campaign was created by Kellie-Jay Keen, the founder of Standingforwomen, who also made the "Woman, noun, adult human female" billboard which was banned everywhere. We had a talk with her on the Adland podcast episode 8 about this. Now that campaign has taken on its own life and gone global, appearing in Edinburgh, VancouverLos Angeles, San Francisco, and even appeared as a small digital ad in Times Square, New York city. 

Loving a children's book author who created a world so exciting that it spawned movie franchises, toys, games, and now inspired underwear collection wouldn't seem to be all that controversial, but then 2020 is really strange, so here we are.

See, it's not really about Harry Potter or even J K Rowling. It's about women's rights. It's women's scholarships, and future careers that are at risk, but you'd never know that from glancing at Twitter.
Self-ID brings several problems if you follow it to the logical end, if any self-ID male can participate in women's sports, who do you think will lose? Women. She'll not only lose a single game or race but her position for a scholarship which may be her only way of attending a great school. She'll lose the earnings from winning, a place on a team that could become a career. All the potential sponsorships in the future that this entails. Where would it end? If self-ID opens any door, why do we have women's prisons? Women's schools? Women's bathrooms? Why did women get their sex-segregated spaces in the first place, and who fought for them, do you think? That's right. Women.
Because no matter how much men and women may think alike, and share our ambitions and passionate drive equally, we are physically different, and it was for stating this on her personal Twitter account that Maya Forstater was fired. She lost the first round in the employment appeal tribunal, but she has filed an appeal and is set to return 27-28 April 2021.

MeUndies had no idea how many people would get their panties in a twist over a simple children's book universe pattern on jammies, but few would unless they had followed this closely and read adland religiously. 

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Trans women are WOMEN!  's picture

Hella transphobic article.

Only Adult Human Female are Women.'s picture

What a stupid comment.

A Transgender Person's picture

You seem to have a basic misunderstanding of biology and science. Do some actual research.

Dabitch's picture

I got bingo. This retort is one of the first to come up, and means nothing. Also, your other comment will not be approved, try using actual arguments instead of nasty sexual references and name-calling me to make your point next time.

fairuse's picture

For the record: I don't like the "Harry Potter" movies and have never read the books.

Merchandise agreements are above my pay grade but the Self-ID is not. Women's sports are getting hammered from all directions:

1. Test women in the Olympics who win to often for testosterone.

2. If Self-ID males are just looking for equality then there is no equality in women's sports. There is a reason nature has XX = female and XY = male.

For me to say the social activism on transgender topics is unhinged will start a flame war -- is hurting XY wemon(sic) because of hurt feelings the solution to equality in woman's sports? That is not the right solution. The solution is no XY person is allowed to participate in XX person sports - invented gender ignored.

As for the entire trans community that need laws to marry, work, and live safely, I'm onboard. This crazy fandom activism is not helping, could be putting trans rights in jeopardy.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

oogh the transphobia

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I swear 2020 was the year the world went collectively insane. We can't even enjoy Harry Potter anymore because of a group of mad attention seekers. Sod off.