Metro Trains Melbourne & Tangerine Kitty - Dumb Ways to Die (PSA) - (2012) 3:00 (Australia)

Metro Trains Melbourne wants you to stay safe around trains, so they launched dumb ways to die, demonstrating avoidable deaths with cheerful cartoon characters. Being run over by a train is perfectly avoidable you see, just like fishing for piranhas with your privates is.

But wait there's more! Not content with making a seriously catchy tune and adding the cutest death animations to it, Metro also made a tumblr full of dumb ways to die gifs because you want to share all these dumb ways to die with all your tumblr friends. Hush. Yes you do.

The song, so catchy it'll stick to your brain like burned macaroni sticks to that pan, is on soundcloud and itunes so you might as well cave right now and put it on a playlist. You know that you and your kids will be humming this the rest of the day anyway. Everybody now: dumb ways to die.... Now just the headless ones! So many dumb ways to die...

Client: Metro Trains Melbourne
Music: Tangerine Kitty

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